
Tasos Fitness

The Health & Fitness Lifestyle

What you need to know about protein powders

There are so many different protein powders available on the market. What’s the best one for you?

Whey protein is the most common protein powder and has a full amino acid profile so it provides a complete source of protein to provide recovery and repair to muscles. Whey is a dairy product and can be hard for the digestive system to process especially if you are sensitive to dairy or lactose. It can cause abdominal cramping as well as diarrohea, constipation and bloating so this is where vegetable proteins excel as an alternative to whey.

Most vege proteins are dairy free, gluten free, artificial flavour and colour free, preservative free, vegan, and low in carbs and sugar. They are also easier for the body to utilise, process and digest. Some come with digestive enzymes in the powder as well. They are alkaline, whey is acidic and they are in gerneal priced they same as whey if not cheaper.

Pea Protein-9 essential amino acids, great for recovery just like whey, can lower blood pressure and flush toxins from kidneys. High in lysine (cold sore fighter), arginine and glutamine (gut repairer).


Stretching And Exercise Tips For Removalists To Avoid Strains And Sprains

One task that you can be certain forms a large part of removalists’ daily work is lifting. Whether it is large items of furniture, appliances, or the many boxes that are likely to be packed with their client’s belongings, all of it needs to be lifted into the van at the current home and then lifted out of the truck and taken into the new house during removals.

As part of their employment, removalists are given training on several activities and safe lifting is one of them. That will apply to many occupations where lifting is a requirement of the role, such as warehouse operatives, construction workers, and refuse collectors, to name but three.

Given the research on the human body, particularly how to avoid muscular and back injuries, the advice on safe ways to lift hefty items is more or less universal. So, although the stretching and exercise tips to avoid injuries that follow are specifically for removalists, they should also be helpful for many other occupations and industries.


Steps to Accessing Your Super Early When You’re Sick

A range of illnesses can make you consider retiring early, such as those that affect your mobility, breathing, and mental health. When you talk to your financial planners about retiring early, you may be alerted that you can access your superannuation fund to reduce the risk of financial difficulties.

However, it’s not a straightforward process without help and may require you to take some of the following steps.

  1. Decide if Retirement is Right For You

First, it’s essential to determine whether early retirement is right for you based on your health needs. Are you experiencing an ongoing medical issue or a temporary one? Would you be better off taking short-term leave or retiring from your job altogether? Could you take on another role that doesn’t impact your health condition?

Talk to your healthcare provider if you’re unsure whether permanent retirement is the most appropriate option. They can provide insight into your medical conditions to determine whether the work you’re doing now is too much for your body or mind to handle.


Food to Eat

Best Food to Eat Before You Exercise

For many people, the most convenient time to exercise is in the morning. You have no commitments, the day is yet to begin, and all you have to do is get out of bed a tiny bit earlier than you usually would. However, exercise, your health, and eating well go hand in hand if you want the best chance of a beneficial workout.

Even if food is the last thing on your mind when you launch yourself out of bed at the crack of dawn, it can be the boost you require for a workout that sets you up for the rest of the day. What’s more, carbohydrates such as sweet potato, vegetables, and oatmeal give you better access to your blood glucose which your muscles require for your workout.

Stay away from the simple sugars in the morning, but here are a few breakfast must-haves to benefit your health and improve your morning workout.


Avocados appear on many lists for eating well, and there’s a reason for it. They are packed full of all those essentials your body needs to hit the ground running. From Omega 3 to potassium, fibre to protein, this delicious fruit has it all. What’s more, it can be enough to offer an energy boost pre-exercise in the morning, while also possibly having the potential to lower your cholesterol levels.


Radiant Skin

Massaging for Radiant Skin

Most people know that organic skin care products can help anyone to get that radiant, glowing skin they always wanted. However, did you know you can benefit from even better results by incorporating massage techniques? Often, the more you rub in your product, the more beneficial it can be. Here’s how it works.

Why Massage Your Skin?

Facial massage is a beneficial process regardless of whether you match it with organic skincare products or not. It works to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve your blood flow, tighten skin, and even release built-up tension through emotions you may have felt throughout the day. Try to set time aside every day for a facial massage.

Using Skincare Products

Massaging your face is going to be beneficial for your skin with or without organic skincare products. However, if you want to get the best effects possible, using organic skin care products can help. Clean your hands and face, pat your skin dry, then begin rubbing your chosen product into your skin. The longer you spend doing it, the easier it penetrates your skin for best effect.

How to Massage Yourself

You don’t need to head to a massage therapist to benefit from a facial massage. In fact, the entire process is something you can do in the comfort of your home. Start by creating circles with your fingers over your neck and beneath your chin.


Exercises with No Equipment

Top Five Exercises with No Equipment

If you choose to purchase gym equipment or head to the gym to use theirs, you will benefit from an excellent workout. However, if your budget doesn’t stretch to a gym membership, and your home is too small for gym equipment, you’re not destined to a life as a couch potato. There are so many exercises you can be doing to improve your health and wellness without the need for equipment.

While equipment can, of course, add an extra challenging element to your workout, there’s no reason why you can’t rely on your own arms and legs to pave the way for a happier, healthier you Consider adding any of these five exercises to your equipment-less workout.

1. Burpee

When you hear audible groans when someone mentions the word ‘burpee,’ you know it’s going to be a good workout. Burpees not only help you to build lean muscle, but they can also strengthen your heart by enabling you to get your heart rate up.

Burpees are considered a full body training exercise, and they work out your abs, hamstrings, glutes, quads, and arms. You know you’ve had a good workout with burpees when you’re exhausted, your body feels like lead, and you’re delighted with your day’s exercise.


Group Fitness

What Group Fitness Options Are Available?

When you think of group fitness, many people think of several people dancing around a room in spandex and vibrant colors. While the 1980s may have introduced such styling, group fitness is a little different today. One thing that hasn’t changed, however, is the fun that’s on offer. Whatever group fitness activity you choose, you are bound to find it’s an excellent way in which to get fit and meet new people.

Here are a few of the many options available for adults and children as advised by group fitness guru’s beats GX.


Yoga has been a favorite group fitness class for many years, with even small towns offering at least one group session for those who are interested. While you don’t get an intense workout, you do get physical, mental, and spiritual assistance that can help you in other aspects of your life. What’s more, there are various schools and practices such as Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism.

Self Defence

Self-defence can be a valuable skill to learn, and one that’s readily available in many towns and cities. If you are looking to gain some rewarding self-protection skills to keep in the back of your mind, then you will find the group fitness options are endless. You can also find classes like BodyAttack and BodyCombat which focus on strength, agility, and speed. These can all help with being able to defend yourself in a dangerous situation.


Running is an excellent form of cardio exercise, but it’s not one you have to do alone. While you may enjoy pounding the pavement with only yourself for company, other people prefer motivation and encouragement. Therefore, you are bound to find there are plenty of running and walking groups – both informal and formal near you.


Waist Trainer

Five Ways to Exercise While Wearing a Waist Trainer

Contrary to popular belief, wearing a waist trainer does not help you to lose weight. While it might flatten your stomach and accentuate your curves, you also have to adjust your lifestyle to see results. In essence, you also have to eat well and incorporate exercise.

However, as most people who wear waist trainers know, exercising (and even eating) while wearing a waist trainer can be challenging. In the beginning, they feel uncomfortable and unnatural, and it can take some getting used to. However, exercising while wearing a waist trainer can help you to achieve your goals. The key is just not to overdo it. Carrying out strenuous exercises while wearing a waist trainer can do more harm than good.

If you’re in need of a helping hand to get started on your exercise routine, we’ve included a few potential exercises below that you can do while wearing a waist trainer.

Star Jumps

To increase your heart rate and work out your entire body, star jumps, also known as jumping jacks, are a sound option. If you’re just beginning on your weight loss journey, you might like to start with sets of 10 or 20 or do them for a minute at a time, before increasing the time or number as time progresses. Due to the compression of a waist trainer, it’s crucial to be aware of your breathing. If you find that you’re struggling to breathe or are incredibly uncomfortable, stop what you are doing.


Weight Loss

4 Best Natural Products to Help with Weight Loss

If you’re trying to move that excess weight but to no avail, then aside from diet and exercise, many different natural products can help. These products are widely available in most grocery stores and health shops, so there’s no need search the internet or brew up your own magical concoctions. Head to the store and gives these four natural products a try.

1. Matcha Green Tea
Along with regular diet and exercise, by adding Matcha green tea to your diet, you may notice significant results. In regular green tea, you find an antioxidant called EGCG which works by boosting your metabolism for faster weight loss. However, Matcha green tea – which is becoming more popular and common around the world – features more EGCG for even better results.

If you’re looking for Matcha green tea in your local supermarket but can’t find it, you might be looking for the wrong type. Unlike typical tea which is available as tea bags or loose leaf, Matcha green tea is a powder. This powdered form of tea has more nutrients than loose leaf tea or tea bags.


What Removalists Employers Need To Know About Employee Substance Abuse

What Removalists Employers Need To Know About Employee Substance Abuse

Whilst substance abuse is most certainly a societal problem that is unlikely to be remedied anytime soon, for employers, including removalists, substance abuse amongst their staff, creates a far more immediate problem that may need to be addressed. Whether you have an employee who drinks to excess, or who takes drugs, the implications for them, their colleagues and your inter state removalists business’s clients cannot be ignored.

Let us first say, that this article is not going to be about how wrong substance abuse is and the risks it poses to the health of someone caught up in it. Many words have been written about that, and in truth, there is little to be gained by us adding to them. Instead, we want to touch upon what removalists business owners should know about substance abuse, as often they are unsure how to deal with an employee should it come to light they are drinking excessively or taking drugs.

Dangers Of Substance Abuse At Work

First, the consequences of someone abusing substances such as alcohol or drugs like cocaine for your business can be stark. Anyone under the influence of these substances is obviously putting their health at risk, but they are also potentially could be in scenarios where they are endangering the well-being or even the life of other employees and clients.


Surprising Benefits of Cataract Eye Surgery

Surprising Benefits of Cataract Eye Surgery

As you age, cataracts and loss of vision can become a genuine reality. It’s a scary thought, but cataract eye surgery and laser eye surgery from insighteye.com.au may be the only ways to combat these life-altering problems. Going under the knife can be nerve-wracking, which is why many people may wait until their cataracts or vision loss are severe until they take action.

It may surprise you to learn that while improving your eyesight is one benefit of this surgery; there are actually several more.

Improved Confidence

As your eyesight declines, you may not feel as confident in your daily activities as you used to. You may feel embarrassed about being in public situations in case you accidentally ignore a friend who’s trying to grab your attention.


3 Improvements To Your Personal Fitness Website That Can Improve Its Ranking

3 Improvements To Your Personal Fitness Website That Can Improve Its Ranking

A misconception that many business owners have, including those in the personal fitness arena, is that to improve their website’s rankings, all the SEO activity takes place elsewhere and on other websites. Whilst off-page SEO is important, the advice from SEO specialists at www.seoperthexperts.com.au is that there are some key improvements you can make on your website that can boost your SEO and subsequently your Google ranking.

This can mean making changes in the back office/management area of your website and if you get this wrong it can crash your site. For that reason, unless you have sound knowledge of coding and website structure, we strongly advise you to seek the help of an SEO agency. They have experts who are vastly experienced with respect to website programming and SEO and can make any of the improvements below without any risk of your website’s operation being compromised.

Improvement #1: Functionality

Functionality is a term we use to describe how your website actually performs with respect to how visitors experience the site. This will include how long the website first takes to load, if all the hyperlinks work, do audio and video play correctly, do the images appear as they should, and does each page open quickly.

These are but a few of the many examples of where a user’s experience is influenced by how the coding and programming of your website operates. For SEO, it is important that a user’s experience is positive as it means they will stay and do so for longer.  Google can measure this and so one of the first improvements should be to check, and if necessary, fix how well your website functions.


De Facto Relationships and How Divorce Law Applies to Them

De facto relationships is one in which two people who are not legally married to one another act as if they are indeed married, and it is relationship which has specific laws which apply to it if that couple separate and this is why family lawyers who specialise in divorce play an important role  part in the separation of de facto couples.

What Is A De Facto Relationship?

In Australia a de facto relationship, especially, is when two people live together and behave like a married couple despite not being legally married to one another. These two people can be either opposite or same-sex and can live together on a “genuine domestic basis.”

If, in fact, two partners are living on a “genuine domestic basis” and perceived as a de facto couple, then if their separation becomes a matter for the court it may look into information such as:

  • The duration of a relationship
  • The existence of a sexual relationship
  • Common residence nature an extent
  • A property’s ownership, acquisition, and use
  • The extent of financial interdependence or dependence and financial support arrangements
  • To see whether a relationship is or had been registered under a state/territory’s prescribed law
  • Caring and supporting children to the couple’s relationship
  • The extent of the intended party’s’ mutual commitment to a shared life
  • The relationship’s public aspects and reputation


Fun Facts About Sports That Use Nets

Fun Facts About Sports That Use Nets

With ever week that passes, there seems to be some new sport or a variation of a current sport that often beggars believe in terms of how it is played, but for most sports enthusiasts the traditional sports are still their favourites. For many of those sports, a sports net of some kind is necessary to play the sport, and these come in all shapes and sizes.

Whilst you may know a lot about these sports as they are played in their current form today, but have you ever wondered how they actually got started or been puzzled by some of their idiosyncrasies? If so here are some fun facts about popular sports that use sports nets.

Football/Soccer – A Sport With Multiple Names

In most parts of the world, ‘Association Football’ is simply called football, but in others which have their own forms of football, such as the USA, it is called soccer. In Australia, the jury is out with a split between football and soccer, given that we have Aussie rules football here.

In the UK, there is a great annoyance when they hear Americans use the word football to describe the sport where the objective is not hitting the ball in the back of the net, but a touchdown, and so many fans simply refuse to call football, ‘soccer’. The irony is that the word soccer was actually first used in the UK in the 1800s to differentiate the different forms of football including rugby football which was given the name ‘rugger’.


What Sort Of Website Should Your Gym Have Designed?

What Sort Of Website Should Your Gym Have Designed?

If you are the owner or the manager of a gym and have come to the conclusion that your website is failing to attract more members via the internet, then the time has certainly come for a new website design for your gym. According to Perth web designers, making that decision is the easy part, as what needs a lot more time and attention is determining what sort of website design for your gym is best.

Unless you are a skilled website designer yourself, we suggest you hire the services of a professional website designer or agency, but that does not mean that you cannot have any input. In fact, it is essential that have some input, so here are some ideas you should seek to include in any design for your gym’s website.

Determine Who Your Target Audience Is

We know gyms each have their own target audience for membership with some geared towards just bodybuilding, some open to all ages, some gyms will be large and offer a vast array of fitness services, and so on. Whichever sub-niche your gym falls into, this should identify for you the age, sex, fitness levels, and specific activities, for example, that your target audience is within, and your website design should reflex that.

Ensure Your Design Is Mobile Friendly and Intuitive

Lots of people literally live on their mobile devices and this is likely for most of those you are targeting. Elements that your web design should have will be easy navigation, integration with social media, a search function, and the ability to make easy payment in order to subscribe to a gym membership. These should all be available on PCs accessing your website, and definitely for mobile devices too.


3 Fun Activities For Families And Groups Of Friends

3 Fun Activities For Families And Groups Of Friends

There can be fewer events that put a smile on everyone’s faces more than taking part in fun activities with your family and friends. The beauty of them is that many are very easy to organise, and they need not cost a fortune either. Whether it is just 4 of you, or you have a larger group of 10 or more, there is almost certainly a suitable fun activity which you can all enjoy.

Often, we hear the excuse from some that they cannot think of any fun activities that they have not already tried before. Well, for those people, and for yourself, if you are genuinely struggling to think of something, we are here to help. Read on, and you discover 3 simple and fun activities that you, your family and your friends can try. As we have mentioned, none of them are expensive to set up or play. (more…)

Dental Implants

Why Dental Implants Are Skyrocketing in Popularity  

You will be hard-pressed to find anyone who hasn’t at least heard the term ‘dental implants’. Dentists have been talking about them and offering them for years, and patients have been reaping the rewards for equally as long. But for those who are not yet familiar with them, what’s all the fuss about? Why are dental implants skyrocketing in popularity? Here’s why.

They Look and Feel Natural

The process of getting dental implants involves inserting posts into the jawbone, with an artificial tooth added to the top to become your natural tooth. Because it’s secured in place permanently, it looks and feels as natural as your own tooth. For many people, that natural look is quite important and is a far more preferred option than dentures, which can slip and move around in your mouth.

The Success Rate is High

There are many ways to fix teeth. Your dentist should offer fillings, braces, whitening services, and all manner of options for people to sustain their pearly whites for as long as possible.

But for those who are looking for a sure-fire way to improve the appearance of their teeth for a long time, dental implants are the clear winner. As far as restorations go, they can last a considerable number of years with the right care and maintenance.


Food to Boost Your Estrogen Levels

Food to Boost Your Estrogen Levels

Everyone knows that they should be eating well to benefit their overall health, but what about nutrition for particular problems or concerns? Everything from skin health to energy levels can be improved and affected by what you eat, so why should estrogen levels be any different?

Estrogen is responsible for many processes in a woman’s body. It helps her breast tissue function, her pituitary gland, and even her uterus. Estrogen is also paramount for metabolism and sexual health. Not enough of this hormone, and you can put your body at risk of health complications such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, and osteoporosis.

Whether your estrogen levels are low due to genetics, age, or poor nutrition, here are a few foods you can try to work on your levels.

Soy Products

If your estrogen levels are lacking, then how about including more soy products in your diet? Soy contains isoflavones, which can help to increase your estrogen. Soy products are abundant in most supermarkets. You can buy soy milk, yoghurt, or even tofu, which is made with soy milk.


Dental Crown Materials

Common Dental Crown Materials and Their Benefits

If it has been some time since you saw your dentist, and you haven’t taken care of your teeth, then you may be in for some surprises. While cleaning, fillings, root canals and extractions can be popular treatment methods, crowns are another one with many different benefits. If your dentist has recommended a crown, but you’re not sure what that entails, then read on.

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a cap that your dentist cements onto your tooth. Once it’s in place, only a dentist can remove it. A crown’s role is to cover a damaged tooth, strengthen it, improve your tooth alignment, and make it look better than it did before.

A dental crown can be quite a complex procedure, so your dentist may recommend a temporary one while they create a more permanent one to put in its place.

What Types of Dental Crowns Can You Get?

Everyone’s mouth is different, so the selection of dental crowns is as well. There are four primary types your dentist might recommend. Ceramic is the more popular option for restoring your front teeth. They are of a porcelain-type material and blend in with the natural colours of your tooth.


Denture Care

Top Tips for Denture Care

Over 40 percent of Australians over 65 have dentures. Age, wear and tear, and poor oral hygiene can see the need for dentures to replace lost or damaged teeth. Once you have them, that doesn’t mean you no longer have to care for them. Your natural teeth may be gone, but that’s not the end of your brushing routine. Below, we cover some dentist tips and advice on how to care for your dentures.

Stay on Top of Dental Treatment

You may not need to worry about cavities with dentures, but that doesn’t mean they don’t fall victim to some of the same problems as your natural teeth. Toothpaste can be abrasive, which means small scratches can form on your dentures. Once that happens, they can be susceptible to stains and wear and tear. Always follow a strict oral care regime, but see your dentist regularly as well.

At Dental O So Gentle, they will inform you how often you will need to see them for professional cleans and to help achieve a proper fit. If your dentures are loose or uncomfortable, seek dental care immediately.

Clean Them Thoroughly

Dentures require the same level of care as your natural teeth – and even more so in some cases. Make sure you remove and rinse them after you eat food. Run them underwater and handle them with care. Use a soft-bristled brush and a non-abrasive denture cleaner. Do not use the cleaning solution inside your mouth. Once you finish with a denture cleaner, rinse the dentures thoroughly before putting them in your mouth.
